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Welcome to Fulvencé USA
About Us   

You might be asking yourself, "What in the world is this about??"

Well…it’s about a group of professionals that decided to make a difference in the world of Service Delivery to mitigate or resolve today’s technology challenges.  After many years of experience in the side of the customer, we realized the need to provide a consulting service with a different approach.

Our approach is to consider ourselves stockholders of those entities or businesses we agree to work with.  We do not want to deliver solutions that are very well-presented and after a few months are stacked in the world of “never never land”.

We want to understand our customer’s pain, align the outcome to benchmarks, comply with regulations and protect their bottom line with optimal solutions that are well-thought, implemented and working to their satisfaction.

We enjoy what we do and strive for excellence and quality.

It's a new frontier for Resilience and Continuity.

                            for Technology Compliance and Risk.

                              for Technology Governance.

                                for Technology Financial Management.



Feel free to email us at lmachado@fulvenceusa.com